Definition of Swambunkered (Official)

Definition of swambunkered is impossible to know. One can only experience after deep introspections and reflecting on experience of being swambunkered. Often best if captured in a meme or gif. Swambunkered is defined by actions of persons with knowledge and reaction of the one who is swambunkered thoroughly. Official literary structure of swambunkered is the haiku. So swambunkered.

Swambunkered can be a noun or verb.  

Example usage: “What just happened? So swambunkered.”

Behold the look of swambunkered on Conor McGregor:

Swambunkered face Conor McGregor

Also an excellent swambunkered face on Keanu:

Keanu Reeves Swambunkered Whoa!

Also this:

Definition of swambunkered